OG Engineering. EHS Policy:
– No Safety Incidents casualties according to Zero tolerance policy
– Incident Free Work Environment
– Environmental Protection Policy
To ensure achieving our EHS Policy:
Working according to specifications in each and every site in accordance with Israeli laws.
To educate management, supervisors and all operatives, characterized by different languages and cultures, for advanced safety performance within an Incident & Injury Free environment during a fast-track time frame.
OG Engineering. considers the protection of the environment to be of prime importance
and therefore strives to minimize the impact of its operations and products on the environment.
OG Engineering. EHS project Department is establishing an ergonomics program to reduce the potential of its employees to experience the pain and discomfort associated with musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs), which are often caused by poor ergonomic workplace design and practice.
Purpose: The graph compares a leading indicator relative to historical performance as follows:
First Aid Case Rate – Actual (cumulative) First Aid Case Rate based on 200,000 WH versus CS Projects average (the definition is noted below)
Purpose: The graph shows “recordable” injuries sorted by “cause” at a point in time sorted in sequence from highest number of cases to least reported for a given period (month).
Email - info@OGHandasa.com
Phone - +972-74-701-5130