OG Engineering Ltd uses a system of metrics to ensure compliance with the project scope, project performance, project requirements and specifications (contract), project standards, and customer demands.

By using both qualitative and quantitative metrics (quality review, procedures, test points), OG Engineering Ltd can effectively measure project quality with customer satisfaction. These tests or quality audits will help you predict and verify the achievement of goals and identify the need for corrective actions. Additionally, quality assurance tests will help you map quality metrics to quality goals, allowing you to report on the quality status at periodic project review meetings.

These tests are being used by OG Engineering Ltd to prevent failures and enforce project correction activities whenever required.

OG Engineering Ltd’s quality system, which will be operated during the execution of the project, whose objective is to audit, monitor, document, and approve all the activities of the main contractor, its suppliers, and its subcontractors. By these actions, OG Engineering Ltd intended to ensure meeting with the contract’s and specifications’ requirements.


Quality Control

The QC system is the means of assuring the fulfillment of the requirements of the contract, plans, and specs. The QC system is supposed, among others, to ensure the carrying out of the following main topics:

  1. Determining a clear program of supervision and tests (including methods to identify and assure consistency) to ensure that the work processes are effective and the product conforms with the requirements of the specs.
  2. Establishing processes of selecting subcontractors and other suppliers and ensuring that their products conform with the requirements of the specs before they are integrated into the works.
  3. Implementing processes of identification, handling, and correcting non-compliance in the work processes and the final product qualities and setting forth ways to improve the work processes to avoid recurring non-compliance.
  4. Maintaining orderly records of all the work processes and the results of the supervision and lab test activities, enabling a clear display of the quality levels achieved.

OG Engineering Ltd specializes in carrying out all the above within the project’s timetable and in such a way that the dates of the control activities, the samplings, carrying out the tests, recording, and reporting will not delay the work stages and will not cause any delay in the project’s timetable.

Quality control monitors specific project outputs and determines compliance with applicable standards. It also identifies project risk factors and their mitigation and looks for ways to prevent and eliminate unsatisfactory performance.

Contact Us.

Email - info@OGHandasa.com

Phone - +972-74-701-5130

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